NOUN 2022_2 (October 2022) POP Exam Timetable [Download in PDF]
National Open University (NOUN) Releases and Uploads 2022_2 Pen on Paper (POP) Final Examination Timetable [Download in PDF] | NOUN Physical (POP) Exams Final Timetable For 2022_2 Semester.
This is to inform the National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) Students that the directorate of examination has released the physical exam timetable for 2022_2 semester (POP – Pen on Paper).

The 2022_2 physical examination will commence on Tuesday 25th October to Friday 18th November, 2022.

Students are by this notice advised to download the timetable and get prepared for the forthcoming examination.

NOUN 2022_2 (October 2022) Final POP Exam Timetable [Download in PDF]

Find attached the 2022_2 POP  Examination Timetable for Exit Levels.

SEE ALSO: NOUN Examination Guidelines [POP & e-Exams].

Thank You!