Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike [MOUAU] 28th Matriculation Ceremony Date, Time and Venue for all Fresh/Newly Admitted Students for 2020/2021 Academic Session.
The Vice Chancellor of the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike [MOUAU] Prof. Francis O. Otunta cordially invites the general public, staffs, students and the entire university community to the 28th Matriculation Ceremony of freshers for the 2020/2021 academic session.
MOUAU 28th Matriculation Ceremony of Freshers is scheduled to hold as follows:
MOUAU 28th Matriculation Ceremony Date, Time and Venue 2019/2020 [New Intakes]
Date: Saturday 16th October, 2021.
Time: 9am
Venue: University Pavillion.
SEE ALSO: MOUAU Orientation Programme Schedule for Freshmen.
All Guests are expected to arrive the venue and be seated at-least 30mins before event kicks off.
Matriculating students are advised to ensure that they meet the matriculation requirements.
For further enquiries, undergraduate students are to contact their College Officers or the Admissions office whilst Post-graduate students are to contact the Secretary of the Post-Graduate School.
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