LASU Journal of HRM & Employment Relations Call for Papers - VOL 1, NO.1

The Lagos State University Journal of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations [LASUHRMER] Call for Papers - Volume 1, No. 1.

The LASU Journal of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations (LASUHRM ER )is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed international journal of the Department of IndustrialRelations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University.

The journal is published twice in a year (January and July).

LASUHRMER accepts qualitative and quantitative papers, reports fro m the field, critical review papers and discussions concerning management of people in the workplace.


Articles in LASUHRM ER cover all areas which include but not limited to: Human resour ce management, organizational behavior, organizational psychology, labour law, employmentrelations, human resource accounting, labour economics, industrial sociology, socialsecurity and so on.

All articles to be submitted to LASUHRMER should be accompanied with an abstract of notmo  re th an 250 words.

All articles should include author name(s), institution affiliation,email addresses, alongside the article’s title on the first page.

Articles are prescribed at 12 to 15 pages of 1.5 line spacing, Times New Romans 12 font and referenced APA, 6th edition.

All accepted papers should conform to the following format; abstract, introductio n,l iterat ure, method, result, discussion and recommendations, while tables and figuresshould be inclusive in the articles and sequentially labeled/numbered.

All articles must be accompanied by evidence of payment of  reviewer fee of #5,000 payable to LASUHRMERAccount number 1020997220 at United Bank for Africa (UBA).

The articles should be submitted to the Managing Editor or Editorial Team via:
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected].