UNICAL 43rd Matriculation Ceremony Date 2020/2021

University of Calabar, UNICAL 43rd Matriculation Ceremony Date, Time and Venue for Freshers/Newly Admitted Students for 2020/2021 Academic Session.

The University of Calabar has announced the date, time and venue of the 43rd Matriculation Ceremony of freshmen for 2020/2021 academic session.

The Matriculation Ceremony will formally receive First Year Students for the 2020/2021 Academic Session on Friday, October 29, 2021 at the Abraham Ordia Stadium by 10.00am prompt.

All matriculants under the guidance of Faculty Officers will start procession by 9.00am while that of the Vice Chancellor will commence by 9.30am. 

Only students who have paid School Charges and Dues in the Department will be eligible to take part in the event.

All freshers are expected to pay N4,000 for their matriculation gown to their faculty officer.

SEE ALSO: UNICAL Hiring of Matriculation Gown Guidelines for Freshers.

NB: Friday, October 29, 2021 has been declared Lecture Free Day to enable all freshmen to participate fully in the ceremony.

Deans, Directors, and Heads of Department are to ensure strict compliance with the directive as approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

Members of the University community and the public are by this notification invited to attend the ceremony.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof Zana Akpagu, on behalf of the University Senate, therefore invites parents, guardians and the public to the ceremony.