KADPOLY Part-Time (Weekend & Evening) Form 2021/2022 | ND & HND
Kaduna State Polytechnic (KADPOLY) Part-Time National Diploma [ND] and Higher National Diploma [HND] Weekend/Evening Admission Form, Courses, Requirements, Application Guideline and Deadline for 2021/2022 Academic Session.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified prospective candidates for admission into the Kaduna Polytechnic Evening and Weekend (Fridays & Saturdays) programmes for the 2021/2022 Academic Session.

RECOMMENDED: KADPOLY ND/HND (Weekend & Evening) Admission List.

Available Evening and Weekend Programmes - Courses

College of Administrative Studies & Social Sciences

  1. Department of Public Administration
    • Higher National Diploma Public Administration
    • National Diploma Public Administration
  2. Department of Local Government Studies
    • Higher National Diploma Local Government Studies
    • National Diploma Local Government Studies
  1. Department of Library and Information Science
    • Higher National Diploma Library & Information Science
    • National Diploma Library & Information Science
  2. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
    • Higher Diploma Rehabilitation Sciences
  3. Department of Mass Communication
    • Higher National Diploma Mass Communication
  4. Department of Social Development
    • Higher National Diploma Social Development with options in:
      – Community Development & Adult Education
      – Social Welfare
      – Youth & Sports
    • National Diploma Social Development

College of Business and Management Studies

  1. Department of Accountancy
    • Higher National Diploma Accountancy
    • National Diploma Accountancy
  2. Department of Banking and Finance
    • National Banking and Finance
  3. Department of Business Administration
    • Higher National Diploma Business Administration & Management
    • National Diploma Business Administration & Management
  4. Department of Marketing
    • Higher National Diploma Marketing
  5. Department of Purchasing & Supply
    • Higher National Diploma Purchasing & Supply
  1. Department of Management Studies
    • Higher National Diploma Human Resource Management
    • Higher National Diploma Production & Operations Management
  2. Department of Cooperative Economics & Management
    • Higher National Diploma Cooperative Economics & Management
    • National Diploma Cooperative Economics & Management
  3. Department of Office Technology & Management
    • Higher National Diploma Office Technology & Management
    • National Diploma Office Technology & Management

College of Engineering

  1. Department of Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering with options in:
      • Soil & Water
      • Farm Power & Machinery
    • Higher National Diploma Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering
  2. Department of Civil Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Civil Engineering
    • National Diploma Civil Engineering
  3. Department of Mineral & Petroleum Resources Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Geological Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Minerals Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Mining Engineering
    • National Diploma Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering
  1. Department of Chemical Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Chemical Engineering
    • National Diploma Chemical Engineering
  2. Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Electrical & Electronics Engineering with options in:
      • Power & Machines
      • Electronics& Telecommunications
    • National Diploma Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Mechanical Engineering with options in:
      1. Power & Plant
      2. Production
    • National Diploma Mechanical Engineering
  4. Department of Computer Engineering
    • Higher National Diploma Computer Engineering
    • National Diploma Computer Engineering

College of Environmental Studies

  1. Department of Architecture
    • Higher National Diploma Architecture
    • National Diploma Architecture
  2. Department of Building
    • Higher National Diploma Building
    • National Diploma Building
  3. Department of Quantity Surveying
    • Higher National Diploma Quantity Surveying
    • National Diploma Quantity Surveying
  4. Department of Urban & Regional Planning
    • Higher National Diploma Urban & Regional Planning
    • National Diploma Urban & Regional Planning
  1. Department of Cartography & Geographic Information System
    • Higher National Diploma Cartography & Geographic Information System
    • National Diploma Cartography & Geographic Information System
  2. Department of Environmental Science
    • Higher National Diploma Environmental Technology
    • National Diploma Industrial and Environmental Safety
  3. Department of Estate Management
    • Higher National Diploma Estate Management
    • National Diploma Estate Management
  4. Department of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
    • Higher National Diploma Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
    • National Diploma Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
  5. Department of Surveying & GeoInformatics
    • Higher National Diploma Surveying & Geoinformatics
    • National Diploma Surveying & Geoinformatics

College of Science and Technology

  1. Department of Applied Science
    • Higher National Diploma Science Laboratory Technology with options in:
      • Biology/Microbiology
      • Chemistry/Biochemistry
      • Microbiology
      • Physics/Electronics
    • National Diploma Science Laboratory Technology
  2. Department of Computer Science
    • Higher National Diploma Computer Science
    • National Diploma Computer Science
  3. Department of Mathematics & Statistics
    • Higher National Diploma Statistics
    • National Diploma Statistics
  1. Department of Agricultural Technology
    • National Diploma in Agricultural Technology
  2. Department of Fashion Design and Clothing Technology
    • Higher National Diploma Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
    • National Diploma Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
  3. Department of Food Technology
    • Higher National Diploma Food Technology
    • National Diploma Food Technology
  4. Department of Hospitality Management
    • Higher National Diploma Hospitality Management
    • National Diploma Hospitality Management
  5. Department of Leisure & Tourism Management
    • Higher National Diploma Leisure & Tourism Management
    • National Diploma Leisure & Tourism Management
  6. Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
    • Higher National Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics
    • National Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics
  7. Department of Printing Technology
    • Higher National Diploma Printing Technology
    • National Diploma Printing Technology
  8. Department of Textile Technology
    • Higher National Diploma Textile Technology
    • National Diploma Textile Technology

Admission Requirements.

Entry Qualifications for HND (Evening) and HND (Weekend: Fridays & Saturdays) Programmes:

The entry requirements for the programmes are exclusively National Diploma or National Innovation Diploma in the appropriate discipline except for:
  1. All the HND in the Department of Mineral & Petroleum Resources Engineering: National Diploma shall be in Mineral & Petroleum Resources Engineering.
  2. HND Business Administration & Management (Weekend): National Diploma Business Administration or Business Studies, Accountancy, Financial Studies, Marketing, Purchasing & Supply or Insurance. Candidates admitted with ND other than in Business Administration or Business Studies will be required to take some NDII Business Administration courses
  3. HND Human Resource: National Diploma Business Studies, Financial Studies, Secretarial Studies, Social Development, Local Government Studies, Cooperative Economics & Management, Marketing or Public Administration and SSC/NBC with credits in English Language and Mathematics and three credits from Economics, Business Studies, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Statistics, Geography, Government, Biology or Agricultural Science or evidence of Pre-ND with five passes in the same subjects.
  4. HND Production and Operations Management: Any National Diploma or National Innovative Diploma and SSC/NBC with credits in English Language and Mathematics and three credits from Economics, Business Studies, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Statistics, Geography, Government, Biology or Agricultural Science or evidence of Pre-ND with five passes in the same subjects.
  5. In addition to the National Diploma, candidates must have five ‘O’ level credits in subjects relevant to the programme including English Language and Mathematics or Pre-ND with five ‘O’ level passes in subjects relevant to the programme including English Language and Mathematics
Candidates with ND at Lower Credit and above must have at least one year post qualification industrial work experience while those with ND Pass must have at least, two years post qualification work experience
Candidates for HND Weekend Programmes must have attained the age of 28 as at the time of application.
Duration: Four semesters for Evening Programmes and six semesters for Weekend Programmes

National Diploma Programmes (Evening Only):

  1. Entry Qualification: SSC/NTC/NBC Five Credits including English Language and Mathematics and the other credits must be relevant to the programme as contained in JAMB brochure. Furthermore, candidates must have sat for the 2021 JAMB UTME and obtained at least 180 points.
  2. Duration: Four semesters
HND and ND Evening Programmes run on Mondays to Fridays between 3.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. while HND Weekend programmes run on Fridays between 3.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. and Saturdays between 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m

NDII Direct Admission: Prospective candidates with ANTC/ANBC/Polytechnic Diploma/University Diploma or IJMB Programme Graduates with five relevant ‘O’ level Credits including Mathematics and English may be considered for admission into NDII direct

Method of Application.

Candidates are to log unto Kaduna Polytechnic School Portal on and follow the Remita payment option logo to access the Kaduna Polytechnic page.

Amount payable is N8,000.00 only.



  • Visit and click "Apply Now" link
  • Fill the online form with a valid email address and telephone number, then click the "Send" link
  • After the step above is successful, check your email for activation link
  • Click or copy and paste the link in your browser to continue with your application. After you submit the form a Remita (RRR) would be generated for your payment.
  • On the generated invoice click the Pay Now to continue to payment.You may wish to pay online using any of the REMITA available payment options or in any branch of the major banks Nationwide,
  • If your payment is made in a bank branch, you are to return to the portal and check your payment status by a click on "Check Payment Status" link on the menu
  • If your payment is successful, you would be asked to open an application account.
In the process of opening your account PLEASE use a password that you would always remember DO NOT Disclose your password to anyone(Always keep it secret)


Closing Date:

15th April, 2022

Ensure you have read through admission instructions carefully before completing this form.

For clarifications and support, use the LiveChat system at the bottom right corner of this page or call:
Clement 08095268320 or Ralph 08095268326.

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