NABTEB Economics Syllabus 2023 [Download in PDF]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) Economics Syllabus Now Available for Download in PDF Online.
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) has uploaded the Economics Syllabus for prospective students.

This compendium on syllabi has been carefully collated and explicitly designed by subject experts to assist prospective candidates wishing to sit for NABTEB examinations.

Prospective candidates will find the efforts put together in this volume very rewarding.

Download NABTEB Economics Syllabus in PDF - [Free of Charge]

1. Aims and Objectives:

The syllabus aims at testing candidates’

a. knowledge of basic economic principles, concepts and the tools for economic analysis.

b. knowledge of the structure and functions of economic institutions.

c. ability to explain the basis and structure of Nigerian economy, including the role of industry, mining and agriculture.

d. appreciation of the role, status and problem of Nigerian economic development.

e. understanding of the basis for national economic decisions.

f. ability to follow the role and status of Nigeria in International economic relationships.

Also Read: NABTEB e-Syllabus PDF Download | May/June & Nov/Dec [Free].


There will be two papers of 3 hours 20 minutes duration

a. 003-1: (paper I) will be a multiple-choice objective test of fifty (50) questions for 50 minutes. This will carry 40% of the total mark.

b. 003-2: (Paper II). This will consists of 2 sections; A and B. Candidates are to answer a question in section A, and any other four (4) questions in section B. This paper carries 60% of the total mark, to be completed in 2 hours 30 minute.

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