NABTEB Geography Syllabus 2023 [Download in PDF]
FREE DOWNLOAD: The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) Geography Syllabus Now Available for Download in PDF Online.
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) has uploaded the Geography Syllabus for prospective students.

This compendium on syllabi has been carefully collated and explicitly designed by subject experts to assist prospective candidates wishing to sit for NABTEB examinations.

Prospective candidates will find the efforts put together in this volume very rewarding.

Download NABTEB Geography Syllabus in PDF - [Free of Charge]


This syllabus has been designed from Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) for senior certificate categories. It is geared towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals(MDGs) and the critical elements of the National Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS)of the Federal Government.


Basically, Geography addresses issues that have to do with man and his socio-cultural and physical environment; its ability to help to circumvent the fundamental matters of environmental possibilism, determinism and probabilism. This syllabus is therefore designed to test the candidates’ achievement of underlining course objectives.

Also Read: NABTEB e-Syllabus PDF Download | May/June & Nov/Dec [Free]


At the end of this course, students should be able to:
i. Show understanding of interrelationship between man and his environment;
ii. State the relationship between remote sensing and Geo-informatics system;
iii. Show understanding of ozone layer depletion, desertification, land degradation, deafforestation, among others occurrences affecting the world today;
iv. Describe the regional geography of Nigeria and west Africa;
v. Understand and interpret topographical maps, compute statistical data, illustration with diagrams, and carry out basic field surveys;
vi. Prepare Business and technical graduates to take up courses in tertiary institutions of learning
vii. Demonstrate knowledge of man’s physical and human environment and how man  lives and earns a living;
viii. Discuss various geographical phenomena at global level, in term of industrialization,
transportation, population amongst others;


The examination will be made up of two papers;
• 196-1 paper 1: (Objectives and theory), 130 marks (3 Hours).

• 196-2paper2:(Practical Alternative and Physical Geography),100marks (2 hours).

Paper 1: This consists of two sections Section A and Section B.

• Section A: this comprises fifty (50) multiple-choice questions to be answered by candidates
in one (1) hour for 50 marks.

• Section B:This comprises eight (8) Essay questions in Human and Economic Geography, and Regional Geography.

Candidates are to answer four (4) questions only. Two (2) questions in Human and Economic Geography, and two (2) questions in Regional Geography.

Each of the Essay Questions carries 20 marks each for a total of 80 marks in a duration of two (2) hours.

Therefore, Section A is 50 marks, and Section B is 80 marks, totalling 130 marks.

Paper 2: This also consists of two (2) sections: Section A and section B.

• Section A: This consists of practical in Map Reading to be answered by candidates in One (1) hour for 40marks.

• Section B: This comprises six(6) Essay questions in Physical Geography. Three questions are to be answered by candidates in one (1) hour at 20 marks each for a total of  60marks.

Section A is 40 marks, and section B is 60 marks, with a total of 100 marks.

Therefore, paper 1 is 30 marks, and paper 2 is 100 marks with a grand total of 230 marks.

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