NTI ADE & PGDE Exam Timetable 1st Semester 2021/2022
National Teachers Institute (NTI) Kaduna Advanced and Postgraduate Diploma (ADE & PGDE) First (1st) Semester Final Examination Time-Table for 2021/2022 Academic Session [Download in PDF].

This is to inform all Advanced and Postgraduate Diploma Students of the National Teachers Institute, NTI that the second semester examination time-table for 2021/2022 session has been released.

All students are hereby informed that NTI ADE & PGDE Second Semester examinations commences on Friday 14th October, 2022 and Ends on Saturday 29th October, 2022.


S/No Course Code Course Title
1. PDE 701 History of Education
2. PDE 702 Development Psychology
3. PDE 703 General Methods in Education
4. PDE 704 Curriculum, Design & Development
5. PDE 7O5 Measurement and Evaluation
6. PDE 706 Educational Psychology I
7. PDE 707 Philosophy of Education
8. PDE 708 Research Methods in Education
9. PDE 709 Sociology in Education
10. PDE 710 Statistical Method in Education
11. PDE 711 Micro Teaching
12. PDE 712 Guidance and Counseling I

NTI Postgraduate Diploma (PGDE) Exam Time-Table for 1st Semester 2021/2022 Session

Time-Table has been been published below and also made available in PDF for easy download.

Also Read:

  • Attention should be paid to Course Title(s) failed rather than Course Codes.
  • .Students are advised to obtain permission from their places of work to enable them sit for the Examinations.

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