OOU Post-UTME Screening Result 2021/2022 | Check Scores
OOU Post-UTME Screening Result Checker 2021/2022: Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post-UTME Screening Results Successfully Released and Uploaded Online for 2021/2022 Academic Session.

The Management of the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) has released the result of the Post-UTME Screening Exercise for the 2021/2022 academic session.

The OOU Post UTME Screening results have been successfully uploaded online. Prospective candidates are hereby informed to follow the outlined guidelines below to access their screening scores online.

Steps to Check OOU Post-UTME Screening Result Online for 2021/2022 Academic Session

1. Kindly log on to OOU Post UTME result checking portal via

2. Enter your JAMB UTME registration number in the required column.

3. Finally, click on ‘VIEW PUTME SCREENING RESULT’ to access your OOU Post UTME score.

Good-luck to all Candidates!!!

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