UNICAL Post-UTME Screening Result 2022/2023 | Check Scores
University of Calabar (UNICAL) Post-UTME Screening Results Out for 2022/2023 Academic Session. Steps to Check UNICAL Post-UTME Screening Scores Online.

This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into the University of Calabar (UNICAL) via Post-UTME and attended the screening exercise are hereby advised to begin checking of their results online.

UNICAL Post-UTME Results for 2022/2023 Academic Session has been released and can be checked online via the outlined procedures.

Steps to Check UNICAL Post-UTME Screening Results Online 2022/2023

Candidates can now check their 2022/2023 UNICAL Post-UTME C.B.T Result online with their JAMB Reg Number and POST-UTME RESULT PIN

The UTME Screening Result Checking Pins are available in the following options :
  1. E-tranzact option:
    This option is available in all commercial banks nationwide. At the bank your are required to pay and obtain an E-transact PIN. With the PIN log into the portal and click on the UTME Admission Screening link then follow the instructions on the portal after login.
  2. Buy Post-UTME Result Pin Online option:
    This option gives access to purchase Post-UTME Result pin from the portal. Click Buy Post-UTME Result Pin Online to purchase the Post-UTME Result pin online. Login with the TRANSACTION ID as the PIN into the portal.
  3. Scratch Card Option:
    This option is available in the following banks within Calabar Metropolis ONLY:
    a.    Unical Microfinance Bank
    b.    WEMA Bank
    c.    First city Monument Bank
    d.    Heritage Bank

Zellence UNICAL Office
Graduate School Building, UNICAL

(1) Candidates who are yet to upload their O’Level results while registering for UTME are advised to visit any CBT centre and upload the result(s). Failure to do so may deny such candidate possible admission on CAPS.

(2) On no account should parents or Candidates pay money to anybody claiming to be in position to influence Admissions. Report any person who make such demand to appropriate quarters.
Be properly guided, please!

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