WAEC Reminder On Exam Malpractice [REM] | WASSCE Candidates
West African Examination Council, WAEC Important Reminder to School and Private Candidates on Examination Malpractice.

Do you know that THIS SUBJECT you are writing could be cancelled if you are caught 

a. with text/note books, prepared answers or any other calculator other than WAEC branded calculator;

b. copying from another candidate, tearing part of your question paper/answer script or leaving your supposed sea,

c. writing the exam before/after the regulated time, disturbing the exam hall or receiving help from other candidates;

d. with blank piece of paper, writing with pencil instead of ink or shading with ink instead of pencil.

Read Also: WAEC to Cancel Results & Publish Names of Candidates Involved in Malpractice

Do you also know that YOUR ENTIRE RESULT could be cancelled if you are caught 

a. as a teacher/staff, writing School Candidates Examination rather than Private Candidates Examination;

b. with a script different from others,stealing a candidate, script or copying from chalk board;

c. writing the exam outside the exam hall or submitting scripts;

d. smuggling out question paper/answer booklet or absconding with it;

e. getting help from teachers, invigilators/supervisors or outsiders;

f. insulting/assaulting supervisor, found with dangerous weapon or violently disturbing the exam hall;
g. impersonating, i.e. another person writing the exam for you;

h. with a script containing more than one handwriting or exchanging scripts; forging supervisor, signature, submitting unsigned scripts, or superimposing

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