YABATECH PT Exam Time-Table 2nd Semester 2021/2022
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) Part-Time Students Computer Based Test (CBT) Examination Time-Table Dates for Second (2nd) Semester, 2021/2022 Academic Session.

Authorities of the Yaba College of Technology, YABATECH has released the examination time-table for 2nd semester for all part-time students of the college for 2021/2022 academic session.

All Part-Time Students and CCS Lecturers are hereby informed that Examinations for the second semester 2021/2022  Academic Session has been released.

YABATECH Part-Time Examination Time-Table for 1st Semester 2021/2022

This is to inform all Part-Time Students of the College that the second semester examination 2021/2022 Academic Session will commence on Saturday, July 16, 2022.

Consequently, all Part-Time Students are advised to pay up their complete school fees, print out their examination dockets on or before Thursday, June 30, 2022 and also submit their student file

Please note that studentship dockets will be printed only on full payment of school fees and completion of registration

All Part-time Students writing CBT exams are to print there examination schedule online via

Students are only allowed to be at the CBT lab during their exam period.

Students will not be permitted outside the exam period. Thank you.

Consequently, all Part-Time Students are requested to pay up their School Fees with immediate effect, complete their Registration and obtain their clearance on or before their exam schedule.

Wishing you all the very best in the forthcoming Examinations.

Thank you.


All Part-Time students are to print their schedule on the college website. ( Please note that only students who have registered their CBT courses would be allowed to write the test.

Thank you.