UNN Online MBA School Fees Schedule 2020/2021 | Distance Learning

University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) Distance and e-Learning Centre (ODL) MBA Tuition / School Fees Schedule for 2020/2021 Academic Session.

The Distance and e-Learning Centre, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) has released the tuition fees schedule for the 2020/2021 academic session newly admitted MBA students.

Admitted students may decide to pay their tuition fees every month, per semester, per session or all at once. All fees must be paid in accordance with the University’s procedures and deadlines.

RECOMMENDED: UNN Distance Learning (ODL) Program MBA Admission Form 2020/2021.

UNN Distance Learning MBA School Fees 2020/2021

Tuition Fees

Students can choose any of the following flexible modes of payment to pay their tuition fees;

S/N  Mode  DurationAmountTotal
1Per Month18 monthsN22,900  N412,200
2Per Semester4 semestersN103,050  N412,200
3Per Session2 sessionsN206,100  N412,200
4Full PaymentN412,200  N412,200

Other Applicable Fees

S/N  ItemAmount  Mode
1Application FeeN25,000Per application (non refundable).
2Acceptance FeeN10,000Paid after admission is given.
3Exam feeN10,000Paid every Semester
4ICT Administrative feeN5,000Paid in the first semester.
5Identity CardN2,000Paid in the first semester.
6Result VerificationN10,000Paid in the third semester.
7GownN5,000Paid in the third semester.
8Statement of ResultN5,000Paid in the third semester.
9CertificateN3,000Paid in the third semester.
10Project feeN40,000Paid in the third semester.