Airforce Sec. Sch. Entrance Exam Result & Interview Date 2022/2023
Nigerian Airforce Secondary Schools (AFSS), Airforce Comprehensive Schools (AFCS) and Airforce Girls Comprehensive Schools (AFGCS), Entrance Examination Result Checker and Selection Interview Dates, Time and Venue for 2022/2023 Academic Session [Download in PDF].
The Nigerian Airforce Examination Center (NAFEC) has released the lists of candidates shortlisted for admission interview into JSS1 of Air Force Secondary Schools (AFSS) for 2022/2023 Academic Session.

All candidates who participated in the entrance examination can now proceed to check their result below for 2022/2023 academic session.

Nigerian Airforce Secondary Schools (AFSS) Entrance Exam Result Checker 2022/2023

The list of the successful candidates for all the Schools can be checked in all Air Force Secondary Schools and at the following Nigerian Air Force websites:


Download in PDF Below:


Nigerian Airforce Secondary Schools (AFSS) Interview Date 2022/2023

The letters of interview would be available for collection at various schools of choice of the candidates with effect from 4 August 2022.

Interview for Air Force Secondary schools will hold from 22-26 August 2022.