NPA (POLAC) Exam Date, Requirements & Guidelines 2022/2023
Nigerian Police Academy (NPA) / POLAC Entrance / Selection Examination Date, Time, Venue, Requirements, Exam Mode, Subjects Combinations and Guidelines for 9th Regular Course (RC) Intakes Admission 2022/2023 Academic Session [UPDATED].
NPA (POLAC) 9TH REGULAR INTAKE COMPTER BASED TEST (CBT) / AUTOMATED MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL FITNESS SCREENING EXERCISE 2022/2023: This is to inform the general public that the selection exams for intake into the 9th regular course of Police Academy Kano has been scheduled to commence from Monday 7th - Tuesday 15th November, 2022. 

In addition, the Selection Examination would be Computer Based Test (CBT) as already been indicated in our advert for the sales of online application forms.

Prospective candidates are advised to log on to their portal to reprint their examination slip. NO applicant without the examination card will not be allowed to enter the examination Hall.

To print yours, check steps HERE.

SEE ALSO: Nigeria Police Academy Admission Form 2022/2023 | 9th Regular Course.

NPA (POLAC) Exam Date, Requirements & Guidelines 2022/2023

The Management, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano wishes to announce its Computer Based Test (CBT) for candidates who attended the 9th Regular Intake Automated Credential/Physical Screening Exercise. which took place in the thirty-six (36) State Police Command Headquarters and Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

The Computer Based Test (CBT) is scheduled to take place at the Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano, Computer Centre from 7th' to 15th November, 2022 at 7:00 am daily.

Candidates are to report at the Nigeria Police Academy on the date and time on their Invitation Letter .

Applicants are advised to visit the Nigeria Police Academy website on to Login with their respective USERNAME and PASSWORD (CANDIDATE'S JAMB NO AND. NIN NO.) to print out their invitation letter.

Invited applicants are to come along with the following to the venue of the Computer Based Test (CBT)
Letter of Invitation National Identity Number (NIN) Slip.

Applicants are to be dressed in White T-shirt on White Short knicker and White Canvas.

All invited applicants should please note that the following personal belongings would not be allowed into the CBT venue:

Backpacks of any kind, Bags, Mobile Phones, MP3 Player, Smartwatches and other electronic devices.

In the event where any of these items are found in possession or around the applicant during the CBT, such issue would be treated as an attempt to cheat.

Hence, relevant procedures for cheating under examination condition would be applied.

NPA (POLAC) Exam Date, Requirements & Guidelines 2022/2023

NPA (POLAC) Subjects Combinations

  • English Department: General paper, Lit. in English, Government/History & CRK/IRK.
  • Department of History and International Studies: General Paper, Econmics, Government/History & CRK/IRK.
  • Department of Nigerian Language & Linguistic: General paper, English, Government/History & CRK/IRK.

  • Department of Accounting: General paper, Principles of Accounting, Economics, Commerce/Government/History.
  • Department of Economics: General paper, Govt./History, Principles of Accounting/Commerce.
  • Department of Political Science: General paper, Economics, Gov’t/History, Principles of Accounting/Commerce.
  • Psychology Department: General paper, Biology, Economics, Gov’t/History.
  • Department of Sociology: General paper, Economics, Gov’t/History, Principles of Accounting/Commerce.

  • Department of Biological Science: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
  • Biochemistry Department: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
  • Chemistry Department: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
  • Department of Computer Science: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
  • Department of Forensic Science: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
  • Physics Department: General paper, Biology, Chemistry & Physics.

NPA (POLAC) Examination Mode

  • The Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil Selection Examination, will be Computer Based Test (CBT).
  • The examination shall comprise of a General Paper (Section A) which is compulsory for all candidates.  
  • It will cover areas such as general knowledge and current affairs, English Language and Mathematics.  
  • Other sections are to be selected according to candidate’s Faculty of choice. 

RECOMMENDED: Nigeria Police Academy Selection Examination Centers Nationwide.

Nigeria Police Entrance Exam Requirements.

  • Acknowledgement Form
  • JAMB Result Slip
  • Examination Card
  • 2 Two postcard size photographs (3.5×5 inches)

Note: The two Postcard size photographs (3.5×5 Inches) should show only from the chest upwards. At the back of each of the two Postcard size photographs, the candidates must write their name, State of origin, examination centre and signature.

Only candidates who are successful in the Selection Examination will be invited for the Nigeria Police Academy Selection Board screening and interview. The list of successful candidates will be published on the academy’s website and in some national newspaper.

  • The Commandant warns the prospective candidates to shun any kind of examination malpractice as offenders will be prosecuted.
  • Candidates are advised to respect NCDC’s Precautionary measures on COVID-19 during the examination and also be wary of scammers who are desperate to extort money from them in disguise of securing admission for them.
  • All invited applicants coming for the selection examination must wear their face mask, failure of adhering to this, such applicant will not be allowed within the vicinity of the examination environment.
  • Candidates are only expected to report 1 hour to their examination batch-time, and should come along with the following items (only).

Instructions for Logging into the CBT Platform and Answering the Appropriate Subject Combinations.

1.  Candidates are to login into the CBT platform using their EXAMINATION NUMBER as their USERNAME and their SURNAMEas their PASSWORD, as it appears on their Examination Card.
2.  All candidates who applied for B.Sc. Biological Science, B.Sc. Biochemistry, B.Sc.  Chemistry, B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc. Forensic, B.Sc. Mathematics, and B.Sc. Physics, are expected to answer forty (40) questions in GENERAL PAPER, twenty (20) Question in BIOLOGY, twenty (20) Question in CHEMISTRY and twenty (20) Question in PHYSICS.
3. All candidates who applied for B.Sc. Accounting, B.Sc. Economics, B.Sc. Political Science and B.Sc. Sociology are expected to answer forty (40) questions in GENERAL PAPER, twenty (20) questions in ECONOMICS, twenty (20) in GOVERNMENT or HISTORY, twenty (20) questions in PRINCIPLES of ACCOUNTS or COMMERCE.
NOTE: Candidates who attempt questions in GOVERNMENT should not attempt any question in HISTORY, similarly Candidates who attempt questions in HISTORY should not attempt any question in GOVERNMENT. Candidates who attempt questions in PRINCIPLES of ACCOUNTS should not attempt any question in COMMERCE likewise Candidates who attempt questions in COMMERCE should not attempt any question in PRINCIPLES of ACCOUNTS.
4. All candidates who applied for B.Sc. Psychology are expected to answer forty (40) questions in GENERAL PAPER, twenty (20) questions in BIOLOGY, twenty (20) questions in ECONOMICS, twenty (20) questions in GOVERNMENTor HISTORY.
NOTE: Candidates who attempt questions in GOVERNMENT should not attempt any question in HISTORY, equally Candidates who attempt questions inHISTORY should not attempt any question in GOVERNMENT.
5. All candidates who applied for B.A. English, andB.A. LINGUISTICS are expected to answer forty (40) questions in GENERAL PAPER, twenty (20) questions in LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH, twenty (20) in GOVERNMENT or HISTORY, twenty (20) questions in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) orISLAMIC RELIGIOUS STUDIES (IRS).
NOTE: Candidates who attempt questions in GOVERNMENT should not attempt any question in HISTORY similarly Candidates who attempt questions in HISTORY should not attempt any question in GOVERNMENT. Candidates who attempt questions in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) should not attempt any question in ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS STUDIES (IRS), and Vice Versa.
6. All candidates who applied forB.A. HISTORY & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES are expected to answer forty (40) questions in GENERAL PAPER, twenty (20) questions in LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH or ECONOMICS, twenty (20) questions in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) orISLAMIC RELIGIOUS STUDIES (IRS).
NOTE: Candidates who attemptquestions in LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH should not attempt any question in ECONOMICS,likewise Candidates who attemptquestions in ECONOMICS should not attempt any question in LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISHCandidates who attempt questions in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) should not attempt any question in ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS STUDIES (IRS), and Vice Versa.
7. All candidates are advised not to click on the submit button until they are sure of answering all the questions they intend to attempt.
8. Candidates should note that all questions answered will turn to blue colour while unanswered questions will remain

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