LASPOTECH Indigeneship Verification Exercise 2021/2022

Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) State of Origin Verification Exercise (SOVE) / Indigenship Verification Form, Interview Dates, Time and Venue for Lagos State Indigenes 2021/2022 Post UTME & HND Candidates.

This is to inform all Candidates of Lagos State Origin who chose Lagos State Polytechnic in the 2021Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) and applicants for Higher National Diploma (HND) Full Time are hereby informed that the download and registration for State of Origin Verification Exercise (SOVE) / Indigenship Verification Exercise for the 2021/2022 Admission Exercise will hold between Monday 6th - Friday 10th December, 2021.

LASPOTECH State of Origin Verification Committee (SOVC) Interview Dates, Time & Venue

The Verification Interview will hold between Monday 6th - Friday 10th December, 2021..

Venue of the verification exercise is the School of Agriculture Auditorium, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu Campus.

TIME: 8.00am – 4:00pm Daily

The LASPOTECH State of Origin Verification Committee (SOVC) will interview candidates in batches between 9am to 4pm daily in various halls as schedule below:

1EPESchool of Agric Auditorium
3IKEJA & LAGOS ISLANDSchool of Engineering Lecture Theatre
4BADAGRYSchool of Environmental Lecture Theatre

Note: Candidates must come along with the original copy of the letter from Oba and Local Government.


(a) Candidates are to log on to to download and complete the form in duplicate with all the required documents attached.

(b) Duly filled SOVE form with other necessary documents as stated clearly on the SOVE form must be brought along for the screening. In addition each applicant will receive text message stating the exact date and time for the screening.

  • Click here to download the 2021/2022 SOVE application form


1. ONLY Candidates who are Lagos State Origin are eligible for screening. Candidates in this category are expected to be CLEARED by the Chairman, State of Origin Verification Committee (SOVC).

2. The Indigeneship Verification Exercise does not guarantee or serve as a proof of admission into the Lagos State Polytechnic.

This screening exercise is free for all candidates of Lagos State Origin eligible for the State of Origin Verification Exercise.

DISCLAIMER: Any applicant who pays money to any individual/other accounts/ or through other means for this exercise, does so, at his/her own risk.

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