YABATECH Post-UTME & Aggregate Screening Result 2022/2023
Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) Post-UTME Computer Based Test (CBT) Screening Test Result / Aggregate Scores for 2022/2023 Academic Session Successfully Uploaded Online.

This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) Post-UTME cbt screening exercise that their results have been released for 2022/2023 Academic session.

YABATECH Post-UTME Result has been uploaded online and can be checked by following the outlined procedures below:

Steps to Check YABATECH Post-UTME CBT Screening Result 2022/2023

  1. Kindly log on to YABATECH post UTME result checking portal via https://portal.yabatech.edu.ng/misc/resultchecker/.
  2. Enter your JAMB registration number in the required column.
  3. Click ‘Check Now’ button to access your YABATECH post UTME score.

Steps to Check YABATECH Post-UTME Aggregate Scores 2022/2023

  1. Kindly log on to https://erp.yabatech.edu.ng/yabaapplication/admissions.
  2. Enter your JAMB registration number and Mobile number in the required columns.
  3. Click on Submit to access your YABATECH post UTME aggregate score.

For enquiries or complaints, send an email to [email protected].

Goodluck to all Candidates!