FUTA CBE Final Exam Timetable 2nd Semester 2019/2020

Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) Computer Based Examination (CBE) Second (2nd) Semester Final Examination Time-Table for 2019/2020 Academic Session.

The Management of the Federal University of Technology (FUTA), Akure  has released the examination time-table for the 2019/2020 CBE Final Examination for second semester 2019/2020 academic session.

FUTA 1st Semester CBE exam will commence from Monday 9th August and end on 21st August, 2021. 

FUTA CBE Final Examination Time-Table for 2nd Semester 2019/2020

FUTA CBE Final Exam Timetable 2nd Semester 2019/2020

FUTA CBE Final Exam Timetable 2nd Semester 2019/2020

FUTA CBE Final Exam Timetable 2nd Semester 2019/2020


  • The timetable is the final schedule and it takes precedence over any other previous release. Students are however advised to adhere strictly to the schedule.
  • The hill top auditorium is provided as the holding center for students on the next turn.students are advised to come to the CBT center until the time aloted to his/her school or department.
  • Violators of this and other examination rules will be appropriately death with
  • Students are to check the examination timetable on the school's notice board

Good luck!!