the examination date and timetable has been released and also communicated to all Centre Directors.
The 2022 JUPEB examination date has been fixed to hold from Monday 31st July - Friday 11th August, 2023.
Each JUPEB Centre is expected to adequately and sufficiently manage situations during the revision weeks .
The Examination Time table has been released and published below:
2023 JUPEB Examination Draft Timetable [JUPEB Centers Nationwide]
Centre Directors are to pay close attention to the following:
1. Each Centre is expected to compulsorily check the temperature of the Students, Invigilators and Supervisors daily.
2 Provide Hand Sanitizers for Students, Invigilators and Supervisors, in-addition to hand washing point before entry into the Examination hall.
3. Every candidate, invigilator, supervisor must wear face mask throughout the examination period. Supervisors will be mandated to enforce this and Centre Director should enforce same.
4. Sitting arrangement must be at least one metre distance apart as contained in the NCDC regulations of social and physical distancing. Therefore Centres are expected get large halls for the examination.
5. Centre Directors are to furnish the Registrar/CEO with the information on the halls that will be used for examination with all the parameters indicated.
6. Centres that could not provide large halls that will be equal to the number of Supervisors that they are due to have will be charged for extra supervisors posted to them. Such Centre will be notified. Note that the margin is 1 supervisor per 500 candidates with a provision that the examination venue can take at least 300 candidates seated for examination.
7. All other JUPEB instructions still stands. Please see attached instructions for the conduct of the JUPEB Examination.
We therefore expect every University JUPEB Centre to begin preparations to ensure that we have a very successful examination in 2023.
Each centre shall be held responsible for any lapse in that centre. The cooperation of everyone is highly required.
RECOMMENDED: 2023 JUPEB Exam Guidelines | Instructions & Penalties for Misconduct.
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