NOUN 2020_2 Project Defence Timetable [Abuja, Lagos & Uyo Zones]

National Open University (NOUN) 2020_2 Project Defence Timetable for Abuja, Lagos and Uyo Zones Has Been Released.

The National Open University (NOUN) has published the 2020_2 Project Defence timetable for Abuja, Lagos and Uyo Zones.

NOUN Project Defence for all Postgraduate Students for 2020_2 is expected to commence from Tuesday 18th May, 2021 to Friday 21st May, 2021 at all NOUN Study centers. All Students are to take note of the scheduled dates, study centers and time as published below:

NOUN Timetable for 2020_2 Projects Defence: Abuja, Lagos And Uyo Zones

NOUN 2020_2 Project Defence Timetable [Abuja, Lagos & Uyo Zones]
1. Study Centres are reminded to inform students for projects defence and their Supervisors of the time table; power point presentation is mandatory.
2. Students who uploaded their projects online but have not submitted hard copies to their Study Centres are advised to do so as soon as possible. 

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