Mbano Joint Hospital Entrance & Interview Result 2022/2023
School of Nursing & Midwifery Mbano Joint Hospital Entrance / Interview Result Checker 2022/2023: College of Nursing Sciences Mbano (CONSMBANO) Entrance Examination and Interview Result Checker for 2022/2023 Academic Session.

This is to inform all candidates who participated in the College of Nursing Sciences Mbano General Nursing Entrance Examination and Interview exercise that the result has been released for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Prospective Candidates are hereby informed to proceed to the College of Nursing Sciences Mbano result checker portal to confirm their scores and status for the academic session.

Steps to Check College of Nursing Sciences Mbano Entrance Exam and Interview Result 2022/2023

  • Kindly log on to College of Nursing Sciences Mbano entrance / interview result checker portal via
  • Enter REG Number in the box provided i.e ENT/000/22/N
  • Enter Pin Number in the box provided
  • Select Examination Year i.e 2022
  • Finally, click on the Check buttin to access your CONSMbano entrance / interview result.

: College of Midwifery Mbano Entrance Exam Result 2022/2023.

Goodluck to all Candidates!