CHT Maiduguri Admission List 2021/2022 | 1st Batch

CHT Maiduguri Admission List 2021/2022: College of Health Technology (CHT) Maiduguri List of Candidates Offered Provisional Admission for 2021/2022 Academic Session.

This is to notify the general public that the College of Health Technology (CHT) Maiduguri has released admission list into vairous programmes and departments for the 2021/2022 Academic Session.

Steps to Check College of Health Technology (CHT) Maiduguri Admission List 2021/2022

CHT Maiduguri first batch admission list has been pasted on the school notice board.


CHT Maiduguri Admission List 2021/2022

Successful candidates are to collect their admission letters following the steps as stated below:

  • Present your Acknowledgement card and obtain clearance from the office of the registrar.
  • Pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000) Only collection fee to the college account in Ecobank.
  • Present the teller and clearance letter at the collection point.

NB: Registration starts immediately.
