ABU Post-UTME Screening Exercise Schedule 2021/2022

Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria Announces Post-UTME Screening Exercise Dates, Time and Venue for 2021/2022 Academic Session.

The University community and the general public are. hereby informed that the University will conduct Post-UTME screening exercise for candidates seeking admission into the University for the 2021/2022 academic sessions.

ABU Post-UTME Screening Exercise Schedule Dates, Time & Venue 2021/2022

The screening exercise has been scheduled to hold as indicated below:

1. 4th October, 2021(Monday) - Faculty of Social Science
2. 5th October, 2021(Tuesday) - Faculty of Engineering & Environmental design
3. 6th October. 2021(Wednesday) - Faculty of Education & Law
4. 7th October, 2021(Thursday) - Faculty of Agriculture,Pharmaceuticals science, physical science, life science and veterinary medicine
5. 8th October, 2021(Friday) - ABU Business School (Accounting, Actuarial Science, Business Administration, Banking&Finance, Economics, Marketing & Insurance) Administration, Arts
6. 9th October ,2021(Saturday)v-v college of Medical Sciences (Medicine, Dental Surgery Radiography, Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing, Human Anatomy and Human Physiology)

Candidates are required to come along with their original JAMB printout.

Those that have registered for the 2020/2021 session need not register again.

Any UTME/DE candidate who fails to REGISTER for the Screening Exercise will not be eligible for admission into the University