NLS - NOUN Special Remedial Course Admission List 2021

Nigerian Law School (NLS) Special Remedial Course / Programme Admission List / Admission Letter Printing for all National Open University (NOUN) Law Graduates for 2021.

The Council of Legal Education wishes to inform all Law Graduates of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) who applied for the Special Remedial Course that the admission list has been released for the 2021 session.

NLS - NOUN Special Remedial Course Admission List & Admission Letter Printing 2021

All prospective candidates are advised to log on to the Nigerian Law School (NLS) E-Vision portal via to to check and confirm their admission status.

All successful candidates have also been communicated to via their Email and SMS.

The printing of admission letter and resumption date for 2021 session will be communicated in due course.

Documents To Be Presented For Registration

1 Evidence of School Fees Payment
2 A printout of the Acknowledgement Slip stating Full Admission
3 Passport photographs
4 Medical Form and X-ray
5 One of the Valid ID Cards (Original and photocopy) listed below:
6. Admission Letter

Congratulations to all successful candidates!

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