Federal Poly Ilaro Matriculation Oath 2021/2022 [Download in PDF]
Download Federal Polytechnic Ilaro (ILAROPOLY) Matriculation Oath Online for Administration and Endorsement Ahead of the Upcoming Matriculation Ceremony for all Newly Admitted Students for 2021/2022 Academic Session.

This is to inform all fresh students of the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro (ILAROPOLY) that the Matriculation Oath for the purpose of the 2021/2022 Academic Session Matriculation Ceremony is available online.

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Matriculation Oath 2021/2022 [Download in PDF]

All Fresh Students are hereby directed to download a copy of the oath from their admission portals and bring same to the venue of the matriculation ceremony for administration and endorsement.

RECOMMENDED: Federal Poly Ilaro Matriculation Ceremony Date 2021/2022.
