Orderliness can be defined as a situation where by citizens do things right in obedience to the rules and regulations to the society. It is a state of peace or stability based on submission to rules and regulations.
Orderliness refers to a situation whereby citizens comport themselves as well as conform to the established rules and regulations of the society. In other words, it refers to a society devoid of confusion, lawlessness and the arbitrary use of power especially by those in the helm of affairs.
(i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop.
(ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points.
(iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving.
(iv) Listening skills and politeness in the public.
(v) Tolerance of oppositions i.e, tolerating opposing views, religions and social critics.
(vi) Due process and justice; allowing thing to follow their proper order.
Nationalism is the strong feelings of the citizens to work for the emancipation of their country from political and economic control of another country so that economic and political destiny of the country may be in the hands of the true citizens of the country. It can also be seen as opposition to foreign rule or desire to remove the actions of a powerful country that tries to take control of other countries by using military force (imperialism).
(i) The Impact of the second world war: The myth claimed to have surrounded white supremacy was exposed and broken. The ex-service men that fought the war alongside the white-men made this revealing exposure.
(ii) The Atlantic Charters: This charter was signed by the British Prime Minister and the President of U.S.A. The Charter gave the people of the world irrespective of race, colour, etc, the right to self-determination.
(iii) Individuals and Organisations: Some organisations and individuals played crucial roles towards the growth of nationalism, for example, Creoles/ freed slaves, some Americans, etc.
(iv) Educated elites: Some educated Nigerians in the persons of Herbert Macaulay, Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, H.O. Davies, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, etc, were highly instrumental to the growth of Nationalism in Nigeria.
(v) Evolution of Newspapers: Newspapers like the West African Pilot published by Nnamdi Azikwe and Lagos Daily News by Herbert Macaulay contributed a lot towards nationalist activities.
(i) HIV - Human Immune deficiency Virus
(ii) AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(i) Constant or frequent Fever
(ii) Chronic diarrhoea.
(iii) Fatigue
(iv) Pneumonia
(v) Weight loss
(vi) Muscle aches
(vii) Loss of appetite
(viii) Night sweats
(i) Through unprotected sex: You may become infected if you have vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner whose blood, semen or vaginal secretions enter your body. The virus can enter your body through mouth sores or small tears that sometimes develop in the rectum or vagina during sexual activity.
(ii) By sharing of unsterilized skin piercing instruments: HIV/AIDS can be contracted by sharing contaminated sharp instruments such as needles, syringes, razor blades, knives and other items used for circumcision, tattooing, barbing and tribal marks.
(iii) From blood transfusions: In some cases, the virus may be transmitted through blood transfusions. Hospitals and blood banks screen the blood supply for HIV, so this risk is very small in the Nigeria and other upper-middle-income countries. The risk may be higher in low-income countries that are not able to screen all donated blood.
(iv) During pregnancy or delivery or through breastfeeding: Infected mothers can pass the virus on to their babies. Mothers who are HIV-positive and get treatment for the infection during pregnancy can significantly lower the risk to their babies
Drug abuse also known as substance abuse, is refers to the abnormal or wrong use of drugs against medical prescription or advice. It may also be seen as the use of illicit drugs or the indiscriminate use of prescription (over-the-counter drugs) for purposes other than those for which they are indicated, or in a manner or in quantities other than directed.
Drug abuse is the wrong or excessive use of drugs and other substances which have been proscribed illegal. It is referred to as wrong of drugs against or without medical prescription or advice.
Drug abuse is the overuse and misuse of legal and illegal drugs by individuals without prescription by medical personnel to cause a change in their physiological and psychological state which lead to legal and interpersonal problems.
(i) Marijuana
(ii) Methamphetamine
(iii) Anabolic Steroids
(iv) Tobacco
(v) Cocaine
(vi) Heroine
(vii) Cannabis
(i) There is total negligence of assigned responsibilities at places of work. Overtime, this may lead to absenteeism at work.
(ii) They usually run counter to established laws of the society by enmeshing themselves in criminal activities as a result of the effects of the drugs on their psychological and emotional state.
(iii) They suddenly become recluse. This is a social problem of dejection, frustration and depression where drug addicts deliberately keep away or avoid other people - a state of self solitary confinement.
(iv) They are very suspicious and feel a sense of insecurity when peers, friends and family members appear to be meticulous about their erratic behaviours. Following this, they could choose to be very violent and rebellious. These to them, are effective strategies of keeping people away from prying into their activities.
Political apathy is defined as a situation whereby the citizens of a state lack or show no interest in the political activities of their state. It is a situation where individuals are politically apathetic but interested only in their private lives and businesses.
(i) Violence Campaign: Due to the level of violence that always occur during the build-up to elections, most people stay away from electoral process for the safety of their lives and properties.
(ii) Rigging of Elections: This is a major cause for the increase in political apathy. Over the years, elections have been plagued with rigging and malpractices. And that is why most people do not believe in elections therefore resulting in political apathy.
(iii) Religious Belief: Some religion organizations have no regards for political process. They see politic as a dirty game. Therefore discourage members from participating in electoral process.
(iv) Weak Security Measures during Elections: Some people believe that their votes are not secured during elections. This is as a result of the history of snatching of ballot boxes, election rigging, and disruption of voting centers by thugs or at time by electoral personnel. As a result, people do not participate effectively in the voting process.
Rule of laws simply mean supremacy of the ordinary law as against arbitrary rule. This means that actions and decisions of government should be in conformity with the constitution of the state.
Rule of law is the presence or existence of an absolute supremacy or dominance of the law over every citizen of a country, including the government and the governed.
(i) There must be a constitution where all laws are clearly stated in simple terms that everybody can understand and disseminate to the populace.
(ii) There must be functional legislature that will make laws, make amendment and review the existing ones to reflect and protect the interest of every citizen.
(iii) The three arms of government must be functional and effective in the discharge of their duties by allowing the executives to execulte the law. judiciary to interpret the law and deliver justice in line with the law of the land.
(iv) The press should be given total freedom to disseminate information to the public. The law of the state must be straight forward and a clear statement of punishment for each law that is violated must be made.
(v) People must be allowed to defend themselves and be given free hearing
(vi) Fast justice disperation-the process of the rule of law is quick delivery of justice because justice delayed is justice denied
(vii) The prison/detention - suspects should not be detained for more than specified time over an offence.
(viii) Government should have respect for the law, fundamental human rights and the principles of the rule of law.
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