NMCN Minimum Number of Candidates for Professional Exams

Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) Announces Ten (10) as the Minimum Number of Candidates for the Professional Examinations which Hold Nationwide.

The Professional Examinations are one of the mandates of the Council. Funding the examinations which takes place four times per annum are extremely expensive as a result of steps taken to maintain standard and ensure credibility for conduct of the examinations.

In order to minimise cost, the Council has determined a standard that shall qualify training institution's eligibility to be an examination Centre, as it has been observed that some institutions present one or two candidates for the Professional Examinations.

Therefore, the Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria at its meeting held in June, 2021 has approved the following:

1. For a school/institution to be considered eligible as a Centre for any Professional Examination, it must have a minimum of ten (10) candidates to sit for the Examination.

2. That any School(s)/institutions that present less than Ten (10) candidates for any of the Professional Examinations shall be denied from participating in that Examination. However, such school(s) shall be allowed to merge with another school or move the candidates to the nearest Centre at their own expense.

Please bring the content of this Circular to all concerned.

Thank you.

Faruk Umar Abubakar PhD, RN, FWACN
Secretary – General / Registrar

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