Redeemer's University List of Graduating Students 2020/2021

Redeemer's University of Nigeria (RUN) Releases the 13th Convocation Ceremony List of Graduating Students for 2020/2021 Session [Download in PDF] | RUN Graduation (Convocation) List for 2021.

The management of the Redeemer's University of Nigeria (RUN) 13th Convocation have released and uploaded the 13th convocation ceremony list of graduating students for the 2020/2021 academic session.

Redeemer's University of Nigeria (RUN) 13th Convocation List of Graduating Students 2020/2021 [Download in PDF]

All graduating students are hereby informed to follow the link below to access the RUN Convocation / Graduation list for 2021.


NB: You are to proceed with the payment of convocation fees, clearance and other required payments ahead of the 13th convocation ceremony.

