SOHT Suleja Entrance Exam Schedule 2021/2022 | 2nd Batch

School of Health Technology (SOHT), Suleja Entrance Examination Date, Time and Venue for all Applicants for the 2021/2022 Academic Session [2ND BATCH].

The management of the School of Health Technology (SOHT), Suleja has announced the date, time and venue for the second batch entrance examination for the 2021/2022 academic session.

School of Health Technology (SOHT), Suleja Entrance Exam Schedule 2021/2022

School of Health Technology (SOHT), Suleja 2nd batch entrance examination for the 2021/2022 academic session has been scheduled to hold as follows:

  • Date: Saturday, 18th December, 2021
  • Venue: LH1, Block A: School of Health Tech Suleja, Sani Bello Housing Estate (Old Army Barrack), Suleja, Niger State.
  • Time: 10:00am

Underlisted items are prohibited in the examination hall;
1. Phones
2. Wallets
3. Wrist watch

All Covid-19 protocols are to be strictly observed!