OAU CDL Pre-Degree Students Rules & Regulations 2021/2022

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Centre for Distance Learning (CDL) Students Rules and Regulations, Admission Guidelines, Requirements, Academic Programmes, Cut-Off Points, Hostel Accommodation and Welfare for all Students for the 2021/2022 Academic Session.

Following the outcome of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Centre for Distance Learning (CDL) Parents Forum Meeting, the management has released the outcome of the presentation which contains the OAU Pre-Degree Rules and Regulations, Admission Guidelines, Requirements, Academic Programmes, Cut-Off Points, Hostel Accommodation and Welfare for all Students for the 2021/2022 academic session.

OAU CDL Pre-Degree Students Rules & Regulations 2021/2022


  • •The Programme is an intensive one for nine (9) months;
  • •Lecturers from the Obafemi Awolowo University teach students;
  • •Classes are from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (including UTME classes);
  • •It is compulsory for students to be punctual and attend all their lectures;
  • •Students will sit for four (4) examinations during the course of their programme;
  • •The cumulative score from the four (4) examinations will be obtained as final score;
  • •Students must have a minimum score of 60% before their names can be forwarded to the Obafemi Awolowo University for Admission processes.
  • RECOMMENDED: OAU CDL Pre-Degree Academic Calendar 2021/2022.


  • New Screening System includes O/L grades, JAMB and PreDegree scores;
  • Admission of Pre-Degree students will be merged with JAMB candidates;
  • Cut-off points are now determined by the Faculties and Colleges of respective programmes in the University and therefore the same with admission through JAMB;
  • High JAMB and Pre-Degree scores are highly essential;
  • Pre-Degree students have double advantage;
  • All Pre-Degree students that meet the condition (at least 200 and 60% in JAMB and Pre-Degree respectively) will be admitted.


The following facilities are available on the campus:
  • • Lecture Halls (LT. A-D) – where all lectures are received;
  • • Reading rooms (Pavilion) where students read while waiting for lectures;
  • • CBT Building (JAMB-accredited CBT Centre);
  • • Centre for Distance Learning Secretariat;
  • • Offices for Officers in charge of the Pre-Degree Programme;
  • • Centre for Distance Learning Clinic equipped with Health Personnel to take care of students throughout the day;
  • • Commercial Centre where daily needs can be purchased/ Pharmacy;
  • • A female Hostel (Bver Hostel).
  • •Students are expected to reside in the hostels allocated to them;
  • •Students are expected to be back in their Hostels by 7pm daily, non compliance will be sanctioned;
  • •The hostels do not belong to the Centre for Distance Learning but they have been inspected and accredited for use by the Centre for Distance Learning;
  • •The Centre for Distance Learning will also be supervising the hostels;
  • •Each hostel has a Matron for the girls or a Warden for the boys who will oversee the daily activities in the hostel while Night guards are also provided
  • for security at night;
  • •Parents are not expected to pay any extra fees to hostel providers, Where demands are made, it must be reported to the Management of the Centre.


  • •Students are expected to live peacefully with others in the hostel.
  • •Students are expected to use hostel facilities with care as they will be made to pay for damages incurred by them.
  • •Female students are not allowed to have male visitors and vice-versa in the hostel at any time.
  • •Students have been given hostel rules. They are to abide by these rules. Sanctions will be meted out for non-compliance.
  • •Students are responsible for their own meals, there is however provision for them to buy meals at the Commercial Centre.


  • Students will be on the NHIS (National Health Insurance Scheme) TISHIP (Tertiary Institution Social Health Insurance Scheme) for the period they are on
  • the Pre-Degree Programme;
  • •Their health care services start at our School Clinic which gives Primary Health Care throughout the day;
  • •Serious health issues or emergencies after school Clinic hours will be referred to the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife
  • (OAUTHC), Obafemi Awolowo University Health Centre or Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Hospital, Ipetu-modu. These are accredited hospitals on the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).
  • •Other issues should be reported to the Centre for Distance Learning Pre-Degree
  • Office on Campus here in Moro (staff have already been introduced);
  • •Parents are to encourage their wards to concentrate on their studies for good academic performance. Report health challenges promptly and abide by given rules put in place to ensure their welfare;
  • •Parents should also advise their wards to be moderate in their religious practices and exhibit high level of tolerance;
  • •Night outings are prohibited;
  • •Students who want to go for night vigil should bring official letters from their parents. Please note that Managements shall not take security responsibility over these students while on night vigils.

Below are tips for managing your ward from a distance:
  • • Stay in touch, make arrangements to write or call and allow space;
  • • Be realistic about financial matters, academic achievement and grades;
  • • Encourage them to use the available resources available on campus;
  • • Let your child contact us in case of counseling or special health assistance which will be treated confidentially;
  • • Reassure them that it shall be well when they send alarming messages home;
  • • Let them know that HIV/AIDS can be contacted through other means apart from direct sexual intercourse e.g. lesbianism, sharing of razor blades etc.;
  • • Finally, take care of yourself lest you become hypertensive. It shall be well with them in the end.


  • Truancy, absconding from the school or hostel;
  • Fighting, bullying, stealing, rape and cultism;
  • Indecent dressing and crazy hairstyle;
  • Wilful destruction of school and hostel property;
  • Disturbances through religious activities;
  • Participation in students’ union activities;
  • Exam malpractice and disobedience to rules and regulations.
  • Are not allowed and will attract serious sanctions.
  • All students must duly complete, sign and submit their oath forms during the orientation programme.

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