Login to Candidates Profile without Password [JAMB CBT Centers Guide]
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Step By Step Guide on How to Login to Candidates Profile Without the Use of Password for Approved and Accredited CBT Centers Owners [PHOTOS].

This is to inform all approved and accredited JAMB CBT Centers that they can now login easily to any candidates profile without the use of password while offering any of the JAMB e-services to such candidates.

According to the Board it is now an offense to request for candidates password before assisting or carrying out any of the e-facility services.

CBT Centres no longer require password from candidates to provide any of the services to them

All you need is to login with CBT Centre User Account & enter the candidate’s email/profile code/registered cell phone number to render the service.

Your login activities are then tracked.

It is now an offence to demand for any password of candidate before rendering any service

To ensure the above instructions are strictly adhered to the Board has painstakingly provided the step by step guide CBT Centers are to follow inorder to login to candidates profile without password.

Also Read: JAMB Approved CBT Centers Registration DO's & DONT's.

How to Login to Candidates Profile without Password [JAMB CBT Centers Guide]

Login to JAMB Candidates Profile without Password [CBT Centers Guide]

1. To login to candidate’s profile without password, visit and click on “Create e-Facility Account/Login” button or visit

2. The Portal auto-detect that it is launched from a router network and redirect to CBT User Login Page.

Login to Candidates Profile without Password [JAMB CBT Centers Guide]
JAMB CBT Centers Candidates Login Page
3. CBT User need to provide login information, then click “Login” button to be login to CBT User handle.
Login to Candidates Profile without Password [JAMB CBT Centers Guide]

4. The CBT User can now login to Candidate’s profile using candidate’s email address, Profile Code or Registration Number

Login to Candidates Profile without Password [JAMB CBT Centers Guide]

5. On login to candidate’s Profile, the name of the CBT User and the Centre Name is shown on top of the candidate’s dashboard
NOTE: in the Case of WRONG EMAIL PASSWORD (Not Profile eMail)
Candidates should open their email service provider application such as Yahoo, Gmail, ymail, etc & follow the instructions on ‘forgot password
Correction of Data by Candidates (Questions to Ask)
✓ Is the cell phone number the registered number for the profile
✓ Is the profile email supplied the same used during registration
✓ Have you not created another profile or email, if you have, then NO DEAL & NO SHOW
✓ Candidates with biometric challenges can ONLY register at JAMB Headquarters in Abuja
✓ No other CBT centre is allowed to register such candidates
✓ They will also sit for their examination at JAMB headquarters in Abuja

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