FCE Abeokuta Brochure: List of Courses & Requirements

Federal College of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta, (FCE Abeokuta) e-Brochure: Courses, O'Level Admission Requirements, Course Combinations, JAMB Subjects Combinations e.t.c.

Welcome to the Federal College of Education Abeokuta (FCE Abeokuta) Online e-Brochure: This tends to serve as a helping guide to all candidates who wish to secure admission into the Federal College of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta, (FCE Abeokuta).

The Federal College of Education Abeokuta, (FCE Abeokuta) Online e-Brochure contains the Full List of Programmes, Requirements, Subjects Combinations offered by the institution.

RECOMMENDED: FCE-Abeokuta Post-UTME Admission Form.

Available Courses 

1. Arabic/ Hausa
2. Theatre Arts/ Music
3. Theatre Arts/ Hausa
4. Theatre Arts/French
5. Theatre Arts/ CRS
6. Theatre Arts/ Yoruba
7. Theatre Arts/Igbo
8. Theatre Arts/ Islamic Studies
9. Theatre Arts/Social Studies
10. Social Studies/Arabic
11. Music/Igbo
12. Yoruba/Islamic Studies
13.Adult and Non Formal Education
14. Social Studies/Hausa
15. Islamic Studies/Economics
16. Islamic Studies/Social Studies
17. Islamic Studies/Yoruba
18. Music/Yoruba
19. PHE
20. French/Yoruba
21. Arabic/Hausa
22. Agric Education
23. CRS/ Economics
24. CRS/Yoruba
25. Home Economics
26. Biology/ Maths
27. Chemistry/Maths
28. Maths/Physics
29. Computer Science/Maths
30. Computer Science/Physics
31. Social Studies/Igbo
32. Social Studies/Hausa
33. Fine and Applied Arts
34. Igbo/Yoruba
35. Integrated Science/Maths
36. Economics/Maths
37. Music/ Hausa
38. Music/ Igbo


1. (a) Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) West African Examinations Council (WAEC) National Examination Council (NECO)/General Certificate of Education (GCE) or any other equivalent Certificate from recognized examination bodies with Credit Passes in four (4) subjects relevant to the course and a pass in any subject, including English Language and Mathematics (Credit in 1 or pass in other) at not more than two sittings, except where otherwise Specified.
(b) A Grade II Teacher’s Certificate (TC ii WITH Credit or Merit in four (4) subjects, two of which must be relevant to the course the candidates wishes to offer with credits/merits in English Language and Mathematics are required (credit in 1 or pass in other).

2. A credit in Mathematics is required for all science based courses except where it is stated otherwise.

3. A credit in English Language is required for all courses except where it is stated otherwise

1. AGE (DM) Credit in Maths, Biology or
Agric, Pass in Chem, Pass in Eng
and any other 2 Credit
Physics or Maths, Chemistry and
Agric or Biology
2. BED (DM) Credit in Maths, English and two
credits in Econs, Acct and
Maths, Econs and either of Acct or
3. HEC (DM) Credit in Maths, Pass in Chem,
Pass in Eng, 2 credits in either
Biology, physics, Home mgt,
Clothing & Text or Food &
Nutrition, Tie and Dye
Physics or Maths, Chemistry and
Agric or Biology
4. FAA (DM) Credit in Eng, Visual Arts, Pass in
Maths and any other 2 Credits in
arts subject
Visual Arts, and any other art subjects
5. ANFE Credit in Eng. Pass in Maths and
any 3 credits in any subjects
Any subjects
6. ECCE Credit in Eng. Pass in Maths and
any 3 credits in any subject
Any subject
7. PED (DM) Credits in Maths, pass in Eng and
any 3 credits in any subject
Any subject
8. MAT/ BIO Credit in Maths, pass in Eng. 2
Credits in the 3 core sciences (Bio,
chemistry or Physics) including
credit in relevant subject, the third
which must be a pass
Biology, Maths, either of Chemistry or
9. CSC/CHEM Credit in Maths, Physics, Chemistry,
Pass in English and any other
Science subject
Maths, Chemistry and Physics
10. MAT/CHEM Credit in Maths, pass in Eng, 2 Credits in the 3 core sciences (Bio, chemistry or Physics) including credit in relevant subject, the third which must be a pass Chem, Maths, Physics or Biology
11. CSC/MAT Credit in Maths, pass in Eng 2
Credits in the core sciences (Bio,
chemistry or Physics) including
credit in Physics, the third which
must be a pass
Math, Physics, Biology or Chemistry
12. CSC/PHY Credit in Maths, pass in Eng 2
Credits in the 3 core sciences
(Bio, chemistry or Physics) inc
luding credit in Physics, the third
which must be a pass
Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Biology
13. ISC/BIO Credit in Maths, pass in Eng 2
Credits in the 3 core sciences
(Bio, Chemistry or Physics)
including credit in relevant
subject, the third which must be a
Biology, Physics and Chemisry
14. ISC/CHEM Credits in Maths, pass in Eng, 2
Credits in the 3 core sciences
(Bio, Chemistry or Physics)
including credit in relevant
subject, the third which must be a
Physics, Chemistry and Biology
15. CSC/ISC Credit in Maths, pass in Eng 2
Credits in the 3 core sciences
(Bio, chemistry or physics)
including credit in Physics, the
third which must be a pass
Physics, Chemistry and Biology
16. MATH/ISC Credit in Math, Pass in Eng 2
Credit in the 3 Core Science
(Bio, chemistry or Physics)
including credit in Phy and third
which must be a pass
Maths, Physics Biology or Chemistry
17. ISC/PHY Credits in Maths, Pass in English
2 Credits in the 3 core science,
(Bio, Chemistry) including credit
in Physics, the third which must
be a pass
Maths, Physics Biology or Chemistry
18. P.H.E (DM) Credit in Maths, pass in Eng, 2
credits in the 3 core sciences
(Bio, Chemistry or Physics)
including credit in Biology, the
third which must be a pass
Physics, Chemistry and Biology
19. CSC/ECO Credit in Math, Physics, Economics,
English and any other Science
20. PHY/MAT Credits in Maths, pass in Eng 2 Credits in the 3 core sciences (Bio, chemistry or Physics) including credit in Physics, the third which must be a pass Physics, Maths, Chemistry or BiologyMath, Economics, Physics, any other Science
21. CRS /ENG Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
credit in CRS, Pass in Maths, 2
credits in any other social
Lit-in-Eng, CRS and any other
social sciences
22. ENG/ECO Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Credit in Maths, Econs and 2
credits in any other social
Lit-in-Eng, Econs and any other
social sciences
23. ENG/FRE Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Pass in Maths and 3 credits in
any art subject
Lit-in-Eng, and any other Art subject
24. ISS /ENG Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Pass in Maths, credit in ISS and 2
credits in any art subject
Lit-in-Eng, ISS and any other social
25. ENG/MUS Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Pass in Maths and 3 credits in
any art subject
Lit-in-Eng, and any other art subject
26. ENG/POL Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Pass in Maths, Credit in Govt and
2 credits in any art subject
Lit-in-Eng, Gov and any other social
27. ENG/YOR Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
Pass in Mathhs, Credit in Yor
and 2 credits in any art subject
Lit-in-Eng, Yoruba and any other
social sciences
28. ENG/HAU Credit in English, Pass –in
Literature in English, Pass in
Maths and 3 credit in any Art
Literature in English and any other
29. FRE/YOR Credit in English, Pass in Maths,
Credit in Yoruba 2 credits in
any Art Subject
Yoruba and any other Art subject
30. ENG/ SOS Credit in Eng, Pass in Lit-in-Eng,
credit Pass in Govt/Civic Pass in
Maths and 2 Credit in any Art
Lit-in-Eng, and any other social
31. SOS /ARA Credit in English, Pass in Maths,
recognized Arabic Certificate and 2
Credit in any Art subject including
Govt., and Civic
Arabic, Yoruba and any other Art
32. ARA/YOR Credit in English Yoruba, Pass in
Maths, recognized Arabic
Certificate and 2 Credit in any
Art subject
33. ENG /ARA Credit in English, Pass in
Literature in English, Pass in
Maths, Recognized Arabic
Certificate and 2 Credit in any
Art subject
Arabic, Literature in English and
any other Social Science Subject, Arabic, Yoruba and other Art subject
34. YOR/HAU Credit in English, Yoruba, Pass
in Maths and 2 Credit in any Art
Yoruba and any other Art subject
35. YOR/IGBO Credit in English, Yoruba, Pass in
Maths and 2 Credit in any Art
Yoruba and any other Art Subject
36. ENG/IGBO Credit in English , Pass in Literature
in English, Pass in Maths and 3
Credit in any Art subject
Literature in English and any other Art
37. CRS/YOR Credit in Eng, CRS, Yoruba,
Pass in Maths, any other Arts
CRS, Yoruba and any other Art
38. CRS/POL Credit in Eng, Pass in Maths,
Credit in CRS and Govt with
Credit in any other relevant
CRS, Govt and any other Art subject
39. SOS/ECO Credit in English, Economic,
Govt/ Civic Math, 2 Credit in
any other Social Science
Govt,. Econs, and any other Art
40. IGBO/SOS Credit in Eng., Govt. and Civic
Pass in Maths, 2 Credits in any
other Social Sciences
Social Sciences
41. CRS/ ECO Credit in Maths, Eng, CRS,
Econs at least Pass in any other
Art subject
Econs, CRS and any other Social
42. ECO/MATH Credit in Eco
Maths Eng and any other social
Math, Econs and any other Social
43. ISS/POL Credit in Eng, ISS, Govt, Pass in
Maths and credit in any other Art
ISS, Govt and any other Social
44. ISS/ECO Credit in English, Economics,
ISS, Maths and a pass in any
social science
ISS, Economics and any other Social
45. ISS/HAU Credit in English, ISS Pass in
Maths and 2 Credit in any other
Social Science
ISS, any other Social Sciences
46. MUS/CRS Credit in Eng., CRS, Pass in
Maths and 2 Credits in any Art
CRS and any other Social sciences
47. MUS/SOS Credit in Eng, Pass in Maths, 2
Credits in Social Sciences and
any other credit in relevant
subject including Govt. and Civic
Social sciences
48. YOR/ MUS Credit in Eng, Yoruba, Pass in
Maths, and 2 credits in any other
Art subjects
Yoruba and any other Social
49. ARA/ISS Credit in Eng., Arabic, ISS, Pass
in Maths, and credit in any other
Art subject
Arabic, ISS, and any other Social
50. CRS/ SOS Credit in Eng., CRS, Pass in
Maths, and Credits in Social
Sciences including Govt and
CRS and any other Social sciences
51. SOS/HAU Credit in English, Pass in Maths
and 3 Credit in any other Art
subject including Govt and Civic
Govt. and any other Social science
52. FRE /SOS Credit in Eng, Pass in Maths, 2
Credits in Social Sciences and any
other credit Art subjects including
Govt and Civic
Social science
53. SOS/ISS Credit in Eng, ISS, Pass in Maths,
and 2 Credits in Social Sciences
including Govt or Civic
ISS and any other Social sciences
54. YOR/SOS Credit in Eng, Yoruba, Pass in
Maths and 2 Credits in Social
Yoruba and any other Social
55. ENG /THA Credit in Eng, Pass in-Lit-in
English, Pass in Maths and 3
Credits in Social sciences
including Govt and Civic
Lit-in-Eng, Govt and any other
social sciences
56. SOS /THA Credit in English, pass in Maths
and 3 Credit in any other Arts
Govt. and any other Social Science
57. THA/CRS Credit in English, CRS, Pass in
Maths and 2 Credit in any other
Art subject
CRS and any other Art subject
58. THA/MUS Credit in English, Pass in Maths
and 3 Credit in any other Art
Social science
59. YOR /ISS Credit in English, Yoruba, Pass
in Maths Credit in Islamic Study
and a Credit in any Art subject
ISS, Yoruba and any other Social
60. ISS/IGBO Credit in English, Islam Study,
Pass in Math and 2 Credit in any
other Art subject
ISS and any other Social Science
61. THA/HAU Credit in English, Pass in Maths
and 3 Credit in any Social
Social Science
62. THA/IGBO Credit in English, Pass in Maths
and 3 Credit in any Social
Social Science
63. THA/ISS Credit in English, Islamic Study,
Pass in Maths and 2 Credit in any
Social Science
ISS and any other Social Science
64. THA/FRE Credit in English, Pass in Maths and
3 Credit in any Social Science
Social Science
65. CRS/FRE Credit in English, CRS, Pass in
Maths and 3 Credit in any Art
CRS and any other Social Science
66. THA/YOR Credit in English, Yoruba,
Pass-in-Literature and any other
2 Social Science
Lit-in-English, Yoruba, any of
Govt., CRS, ISS

Interested applicants who which to apply into the FCE Abeokuta can also check the correct and current Admission Requirements, Subjects Combinations via the JAMB Interactive Brochure and Syllabus System (JAMB IBASS) by clicking here.