FEDPONAS Resumption Date 1st Semester 2022/2023
Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa (FEDPONAS) Resumption Date for the Commencement of First (1st) Semester Academic Activities, Lectures and Registration for all Newly Admitted Students for 2022/2023 Academic Session.

The Special Board Meeting  considered the resumption, registration  and commencement of lectures for all newly admitted students for the 2022/2023 academic session.

This is to inform the Polytechnic Community that the Rector, on behalf of Management and the Academic Board, has approved Monday, 10th October. 2022 as resumption date for both returning (HND II & ND II Non-SIWES) and fresh students of the polytechnic for the commencement of first semester 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Accordingly, both staff and students are expected to continence academic activities A well as continue with registration for the new session in line with the academic calendar.

The Rector, ES, Dr. Abdullahi AlhAsan Ahmed, on behalf of Management Committee, wishes to welcome all the returning and fresh students to the 2022/2023 Academic Session and a happy stay on and off campus.

By this notice. all Deans. HODS, Directors and HOU's are hereby requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their staff and students to ensure full compliance, please!

FEDPONAS Resumption Date 1st Semester 2022/2023


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