KWASU Exam Timetable 2nd Semester 2021/2022 is Out
Kwara State University (KWASU) Releases Tentative Timetable for the Conduct of the Second (2nd) Semester Examinations for all 100 Level and 200 Level Students for the 2021/2022 Academic Session [Download in PDF].

The Management of the Kwara State University (KWASU) has approved and released the Tentative Rain (2nd) Semester Examination Time Table for all 100 level and 200 level students for the 2021/2022 Academic Session.

KWASU Harmattan Semester examinations for all 100 level and 200 level students has been scheduled to commence from Monday 1st August, 2022.

KWASU Examination timetable for second semester has been uploaded online and can be downloaded in PDF.


KWASU Exam Timetable for 2nd Semester 2021/2022 Academic Session [100L & 200L]

KWASU Examination Guidelines for Invigilators 2021/2022

As the Examinations are about to commence, it is imperative to draw the attention of all invigilators to some guidelines for the conduct of the examinations as follows:-
(i) All invigilators must arrive examination centres early enough
(ii) All students must be properly screened before entering the examination hall
(iii) No student shall be allowed to enter an examination room earlier than thirty (30) minutes before the commencement of the examination.
(iv) No student shall be allowed to enter an examination room later, or to leave an examination room earlier than thirty minutes after the beginning of an examination session. Any student who seeks entry into the examination hall after the first 30 minutes may be allowed to do so by the invigilator, but such cases shall be reported in writing to the Head of Department
(v) Until the time when students are allowed to leave the examination room, no copy of any question paper shall be removed from the examination room.
(vi) In case a student has to leave the examination room temporarily he shall be accompanied by an invigilator.
(vii) Students should leave their signed signature slips (clearance) on their table and must wear their identity cards throughout the period of Examination.
(viii) At the close of an examination, students shall hand over their answer scripts to the Invigilator and not leave them on the desk for the Invigilator to collect.
(ix) The Invigilator should move from row to row collecting the scripts from students and on no condition should students be allowed to leave the room while their scripts are lying on their desks.
(x) The Invigilator shall check the students’ answer books against the attendance lists to ensure that the scripts are complete. He shall then parcel and seal the answer books together with four copies of the relevant question papers and the copy of the signed attendance sheet and deliver them to the Head of Department.
(xi) A student shall not be allowed during an examination to communicate by word or otherwise with any other student nor shall he leave his place except with the consent of an invigilator. Should a student act in such a way as to disturb or inconvenience other students, he shall be warned and if he persists
he may at the discretion of the invigilator, be excluded from the examination room. Such an action by the invigilator must also be reported in writing through the Head of Department to the Vice-Chancellor within 24 hours.
(xii) No student shall take into an examination room or have in his or her possession during an examination any book or paper or printed or written documents, whether relevant to the examination or not, unless specifically authorized to do so. An invigilator has authority to confiscate such documents.
(xiii) Mobile phones and other electronic communication devices are not allowed in examination halls.
(xiv) A student shall not remove from an examination room any paper, used or unused, except the question paper and such book and papers, if any, as he is authorized to take into the examination room.
(xv) Students shall not write on any paper other than the examination answer books. All rough work must be done in the answer books and crossed out neatly. Supplementary answer books, even if they contain only rough work must be tied inside the main answer books.
(xvi) When leaving the examination room, even if temporarily, a student shall not leave his written work on the desk but he shall hand it over to an invigilator. Students are responsible for the proper return of their written work.
(xvii) Smoking shall not be permitted in examination room during examination sessions.
(xviii) If any student is suspected of cheating, receiving assistance or assisting other students or of infringing any other examination regulation, a written report of the circumstance shall be submitted by the invigilator to the Vice-Chancellor within 24 hours of the examination session. The candidate
concerned shall be allowed to continue with the Examinations. Whenever there is alleged examination malpractice, the student involved shall be required to make a signed statement immediately.
(xix) Any student suspected of examination malpractice shall be required to submit to the invigilator a written report immediately after the paper. Failure to make a report shall be regarded as a breach of discipline. Such report should be forwarded along with the invigilator’s report to the Vice- Chancellor.


Goodluck to all Students!