NTI Courses & Admission Requirements | PGDE, BDP, NCE, ADE, PTTP
Official List of Available Programmes, Courses, Objectives, Duration and Admission Requirements of the National Teachers Institute, NTI , Nationwide in all Study Centers in Nigeria
National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna is a single mode distance education institution dedicated to teacher training. It was established in 1976 by the Federal Government primarily because of the pressing needs in the country for trained and qualified teaching staff at all levels of the educational system.

Act No. 7 of 10th April 1978 establishing the Institute charged it among others with the responsibility of: providing courses of instruction leading to the development, upgrading and certification of teachers as specified in the relevant syllabus using distance education techniques.


The vision of the Institute is to enhance the professional skills of serving teachers for high quality education delivery at primary and secondary education levels with a view to uplifting the standard of the education system of the country. 

Mission Statement

To upgrade/update teachers knowledge and skills in curriculum implementation while instilling in them the virtues of dedication, loyalty, commitment, discipline and resourcefulness.
The Institute’s vision shall be realized through the pursuit of the following goals:
  • producing teachers trained and oriented to meet the challenges of twenty first century Nigerian society;
  • nurturing a commitment to lifelong learning that is creative, innovative, and responsive to changes in the world of knowledge and the changing needs;
  • designing and enriching subject content to ensure that the teacher-trainees attain a high level of mastery of the subject matter;
  • building the capacity of teacher- trainees in the use of  effective  communication  skills and relevant technologies for the delivery of quality education;
  • strengthening the Institute’s monitoring , evaluation and feedback mechanism to ensure effective and efficient service delivery;
  • developing capacity for effective selection and deployment of relevant technology including Information and Communication Technology for effective Distance Learning delivery;
  • establishing effective research capability in order to ensure that all the Institute’s programmes are based on scientifically established grounds in terms of who needs training and the content of training required;
  • reviewing and revitalizing in-service training and retraining programme for all categories of teachers, school administrators and school supervisors;
  • regularly reviewing and restructuring curricula of all the Institute’s programmes to bring them in line with changing realities;

NTI Structure

The Institute, with its headquarters in Kaduna, operates through a network of 6 Zonal and 37 State offices and over 400 study centres. The organizational structure of the Institute comprises:
  1. Office of the Director-General & Chief Executive.
  2. Registry and Council Affairs
  3. Department of Field Operations & Students Services.
  4. School of Teacher Professional Development, Research and Examinations.
  5. School of Undergraduate Studies
  6. School of Postgraduate Studies
  7. Bursary
The Zonal Offices are located in Abuja (North Central), Bauchi (North East), Benin (South South), Enugu (South East), Ibadan (South West), and Kano (North West).
The Institute has an office in each of the 36 States and FCT. Tutorials, examinations, tutor-student interaction, student-student interaction, counselling, etc take place in the Study Centres all over the country.

Functions of the Institute

The enabling Law mandates the Institute to:
  1. upgrade under-qualified and untrained teachers.
  2. conduct post-graduate courses and examinations in education for graduate teachers.
  3. provide refresher and other upgrading courses for teachers.
  4. organize workshops, seminars and conferences, which would assist in the improvement of teachers.
  5. conduct examinations.
  6. carry out research in conjunction with other bodies on any matter relevant to educational development in the country.
  7. formulate policies and initiate programmes at all levels of education designed to improve by way of research the quality and content of education in Nigeria.
  8. assess from time to time the training programmes offered by Institutions controlled by or associated with the Institute with a view to ascertaining the professional competence of those Institutions.
  9. offer such assistance, either alone or in co-operation with educational bodies as may be required by the Institutions controlled by or associated with the Institute.
  10. foster and enhance international co-operation in the education of teachers; and perform such other functions as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all the functions of the Council under this Decree.


The NTI Specialised Centres

The Institute also has Specialized Centres and they include:
  • Centre for Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE),
  • Centre for Entrepreneurship and Special Education,
  • Centre for the Teaching of English, and
  • Centre for E-Learning.
The Centre for the Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) has trained 438 teachers in Science and Mathematics nationwide. This training has been cascaded in each state to cater for more teachers. Similarly, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Special Education has CPD programmes that will help develop and upgrade the skills and knowledge of teachers at basic level.

NTI, Kaduna Programmes & Admission Requirements

1. Post Graduate Diploma in Education PGDE.

The PGDE is affiliated to National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
The objectives of the programme are to:
enable students have an adequate understanding of the philosophical, psychological and sociological foundations of Education and their relevance to teaching and learning in schools;
enable students acquire the requisite general and subject-specific pedagogical skills for teaching in primary and secondary schools; and
provide opportunities for the development of practical skills in the school setting through a process of supervised internship/monitoring.

Target Group

The programme is targeted at graduates of other disciplines who do not possess a professional teaching qualification but are currently teaching or intend to teach in future.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission into the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme are expected to possess a minimum of a First degree (BA/B.Sc), Higher National Diploma (HND) or its equivalent in languages, social sciences, basic sciences or other related disciplines with a minimum of 2nd Class Lower Division or Lower Credit respectively, in addition to that, a candidate must satisfy the UTME requirements.

Duration of the Programme

The programme is designed to last for 15 calendar months consisting of 12 calendar months of course work and three months of supervised internship in specially designed schools/colleges.

Only candidates who possess the entry requirements as specified above should apply.

2.  Bachelors Degree Programme BDP

Objectives of the Programmes

The general objectives of the programme are:
to train and upgrade all qualified serving Grade II and NCE teachers to Degree level.;
to improve the basic background of those who may wish to pursue their studies at higher levels, and to help produce the required number of quality Degree holding teachers for the successful implementation of the Universal Basic Education Programme and the needed teachers at the senior secondary school level.

Course Duration

Each Course is organized into two semesters per year for a minimum of three/four years and maximum of six/eight Calendar years depending on the entry qualifications of the candidates.

Admission Requirements

Candidates who possess any of the under listed qualifications are eligible for admission.
Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) with merit pass or (C) grade in addition to the minimum UTME requirements. Candidates in this group will spend a minimum of 3 years if admitted
Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) with pass grade lower than (C) grade and with a minimum of 5 years teaching experience in addition to the minimum UTME requirements. Candidates in this group will spend a minimum of 4 years if admitted.
National Diploma at upper credit from a recognized Institution and in relevant areas. Candidates in this group will spend a minimum of 3 years if admitted

Additional Entry Requirements

Candidates offering B.Sc. Ed must in addition to English and Mathematics possess at least a credit in Physics, Chemistry or Biology.
Candidates offering English as a main teaching subject must, in addition to credit in English Language posses a credit in Literature in English or credits in English Language and literature in English in the Teacher Grade II Certificate (TC II).
all candidates must satisfy the minimum UTME requirements for programmes they intend to offer.

Courses Offered

Candidates are to select from among the following:
  • B.A. Ed (Primary)
  • B.A. Ed (Social Studies)
  • B.A. Ed (English)
  • B.Sc. Ed (Mathematics)
  • B.Sc. Ed (Integrated Science)
  • B.Sc. Ed(Physical and Health Education)


3. Nigeria Certificate In Education NCE

Objectives of the N.C.E. (DLS) Programmes

The National Policy on Education prescribes that the NCE Certificate shall be the minimum qualification for all teachers in our schools.

However, in spite of the efforts of several states aimed at producing enough qualified teachers to meet the target requirement of the policy, Nigeria is yet to adequately address the problem of the shortage of qualified teachers.

The NCE by Distant Learning (DLS) has therefore come to serve as one of the most cost-effective and time tested strategies with a high rate of success for over-coming this problem nation-wide.

N.C.E Entry Requirements

The MAIN requirement is 5 Credits passes in any of the following certificates. One of the Credit pass MUST be in the Subject for which the candidate intends to make it his chosen Teaching Subject.
  • Grade II Teachers’ Certificate (TC-II)
  • Pivotal Teachers’ Certificate (PTC)
  • West African School Certificate (WASC)
  • National Examination Council (NECO-SSCE)
  • General Certificate Examination (GCE)
  • National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) Certificate
  • Higher Islamic Studies Certificate (HISC)
However, existing teachers with Five (5) Years of Teaching Experience but who are without the number of Credit passes mentioned above can be considered.

4. Advanced Diploma in Eduction ADE

Objectives of the Advanced Diploma Programmes

The National Policy on Education prescribes that the NCE Certificate shall be the minimum qualification for all teachers in our schools

However, NCE holders too need to upgrade their knowledge into some specialized Field in Education. These fields include School Supervision and Inspection, Early Childhood Education, Guidance & Counselling etc.

The Advanced Diploma is also meant for those that hold the OND Certificate which is equivalent of NCE but in non-education fields.

Advance diploma Entry requirements

An NCE Certificate from a RECOGNIZED College of Education is the Minimum Entry requirement. However, existing Teachers with ND certificate from RECOGNIZED Polytechnic or Colleges of Agric can be considered for any of the Advanced Diploma Programmes.

5. Pivotal Teacher Training Programme PTTP

6. Continuing Professional Development CPD

7. The Capacity Building Programmes

Package A- Basic Teaching Methods and Techniques, Basic Classroom Management Techniques, Language and Communication Skills &ICT Training for Teachers
Package B- Modern Techniques of teaching the four (4) Core Subjects of Basic Education (English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Basic Science and Technology).
Package C- Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE); Learner-Centered and Activity-Based Approach; Improvisation of Instructional Materials
Package D- E-Learning Education; Entrepreneurship Education; Special Education

Other specialized areas of Training:

  • Induction of newly recruited teachers.
  • Teaching of the science at the SSS level.
  • School Based Assessments
  • Innovative techniques of teaching vocational and technical subjects
  • School Management Skills and Record Keeping
  • Effective teaching and care giving in Early Childhood Education.
  • Resource Management in schools
  • Guidance and Counseling in schools
  • Multi-grade/Large Class Teaching Strategies
  • Curriculum Implementation.
  • Performance Improvement for Teachers at all levels.
  • Teaching of English components for S.S. Teachers


Other NTI CPD Resources

  • CDs showing model lessons
  • Manual for School Supervision
  • The Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • NTI/NCCE/TESSA Toolkit for Teaching Practice Supervisors
  • Manual for Mentoring
  • Self-Instructional Materials used in NTI Academic Programmes
Download In PDF Here.

To apply for any of the above programmes candidates are advised to follow the guidelines published here step by step to avoid any application error.

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